Core Values

Investing in relationship
Taking ownership of the church and the needs
We are in this together
None are independent

Father Heart of God
God is good, and His goodness is naturally discernible
He is for us
We are sons and daughters and have full uninhibited access to Father God

Partnering with other churches
Bringing Heaven to Earth
Apostolic view of ministry
Bringing God’s kingdom influence to every sphere of society
People are valuable
People are powerful & responsible for themselves & their messes
Restoration & healing is the goal for the fallen
Celebrating the Jesus in someone even when they aren’t perfect

Doing everything as for the Lord
Shooting for the best. Not settling for mediocre.
Always striving to improve and to learn
Pursuing continual self-improvement
Not wearing a façade, but being real
Being willing to ask for help
Being open with senior leadership about issues
Keeping short accounts with each other
Intentional communication
Being unoffendable
Walking in grace
Desire and intentionality to cultivate an atmosphere of presence at Harvest and in our homes.
The Holy Spirit isn’t the step child of the trinity. He is Lord.
Making decisions from His presence and not necessarily just by use of our brains
Maintaining an atmosphere centered on God
Finding the river and being willing to jettison good plans to be led by Holy Spirit

Revival Lifestyle
Healing is for today and all believers can do it
The gifts of the Holy Spirit are for today and the offices have not ceased
Cultivating continual sensitivity to God
Obedience at all cost
Cultivating God centered families and presence centered homes
Pressing in for the more of God
Creating a culture that naturally engages outside these 4 walls
Applying what we learn/practice on Sundays
Prophetic culture
All Sufficiency of the Cross
Jesus paid for everything
The second Adam restored all that was lost, barring physical death
The cross brings us victory in every area
He is worthy
Living a lifestyle of worship
Respectful, but uninhibited atmosphere
Cultivating passion for God
Creating an atmosphere of connection

Revival Lifestyle

The All Sufficiency of the Cross